#637  od ingbrzy
 před 12 lety
MIUI ROM 3.4.5 Full Changelog

Fixed - After xiaomi account is deleted, call records are still synchronized

Fixed - In some cases, SIM card contacts cannot be added
Optimized - Merge favorite contacts into the main list of contacts page and pin to top
Fixed - FC problems caused by adding URL information from the text message to SIM card contacts
Fixed - Detail interface style error of avatar warehouse resource package

Optimized - Opening method of private messages (Pull down the message list page can open the private messages)

New - Video power-saving mode
Fixed - In some cases, photo failure caused by switching the flashlight
Fixed - HDR button problem still exists after switching to front camera
Fixed - Clicking the lower left cannot enter the gallery while focusing
Fixed - The default is front camera while opening the camera and operation error while switching to rear camera
Optimized - Switching animation sliding from the camera page to the gallery page
Fixed - 6M photo size options error

New - Option to send / share pictures to cloud album
Fixed - Pop-up prompt takes a long time to appear when entering the cloud album with no network connection
Fixed - When picture download is incomplete, the check mark cannot display in multi-select edit mode
Fixed - Edit mode error when entering Gallery to select images through a third party app.

Fixed - Read mode entry does not appear

[Sounder recorder]
New - LED flashing alert in Sound Recorder

We're having a 3-day holiday for Tomb-Sweeping Day now, so MIUI ROM 3.4.5  released earlier today.


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Naposledy upravil(a) ingbrzy dne 05 Dub 2013, 12:25, celkem upraveno 1 x.

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MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK je oficiální fanpage MI.com pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku. Staráme se o překlady MIUI ROM do CZ a SK nejen pro všechny Xiaomi zařízení. Kontakt contact(at)miuios.cz

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