#23119  od ingbrzy
 před 11 lety

Optimization – Smart IP dialing supported within China for international calling (10-22)
Optimization – Notification shade can display corresponding contact's picture for missed calls (10-22)
Fix – In Do not disturb, incoming calls made via Internet calling (eg Skype) would still ring (10-22)

New – By long pressing Call history on a Contact's details page, you can add/edit call notes (10-21)
Fix – When using the search feature while adding a new number to contacts, Contact list did not display correctly (10-21)
Fix – Sometimes during sync, Contact portraits would become small (10-22)
Fix – Sometimes, Internet messaging would quit automatically (10-25)
Fix – Contacts could not be added on to SIM card normally (10-25)
Fix –On SIM cards that supported saving email addresses, there was no way to save a contact with only an email address (no phone number) (10-25)

New – New UI layout (10-22)

Fix – When in sleep mode, progress bar was not aligning properly (10-23)
Fix – MiSound device list was refreshing too frequently (10-23)
Fix – In the now playing list, when songs were playing, corresponding images would not refresh (10-23)
Fix – No notification when duplicate songs were added from online to local playlists (10-23)

Optimization – Before you restore a backup, MIUI will check to see if there is enough space on the SD card (10-25)

Optimization – Notifications for page link errors  (10-23)

Fix – Week view and day view would display incorrectly when scaled down (10-22)

[Data usage]
Optimization – When a new user was configuring settings (after flashing MIUI), "Display data usage info in the Notification shade" and the status indicated by the toggle was not the same (10-25)
Optimization – Sometimes, for some devices, the Data usage app would flash quit (10-25)

Fix – When setting a reminder, the onscreen keyboard would not hide (10-22)

Fix – App would flash quit when user was clearing system cache (10-22)

New – Send and receive files (10-25)
Optimization – More stable file transmission process (10-25)

New – Back up your apps in the cloud (10-25)

Fix – The Back button in the user guide was displaying incorrectly (10-25)

Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť

Nový manažér tém (Témat)

[img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img] [img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]
[img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]  [img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]

Nová aplikácia MiShare pre zdieľanie súborov cez internet..

[img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]  [img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]  [img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]
Naposledy upravil(a) ingbrzy dne 25 Říj 2013, 18:51, celkem upraveno 1 x.

Pokud chcete poděkovat a finančně podpořit naši práci na překladech MIUI do CZ SK jazyka. Děkujeme!

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MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK je oficiální fanpage MI.com pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku. Staráme se o překlady MIUI ROM do CZ a SK nejen pro všechny Xiaomi zařízení. Kontakt contact(at)miuios.cz

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