#24398  od ingbrzy
 před 11 lety

Optimization – Problems with low-end sound in speakers and headphones (11-8)
Optimization – Increased receiver volume for Weixin messaging app (11-8)
Fix – After device had been flashed, there was no start-up sound upon reboot (11-8)
Fix – Rare crackling in sound output (11-8)

Fix – Buttons for the dialpad might be displayed in the wrong location (11-5)
Fix – PIN status was incorrect after hot-swapping SIM cards (11-8)
Fix – After hot-swapping SIM cards, users sometimes experienced issues getting mobile service (11-8)
Fix – When using special SIM cards, phone would display that it was getting mobile service but that no SIM card was inserted (11-8)

Fix – Notification messages (Bank, topups, etc.) can be marked as read automatically (11-5)

[Lock screen, Status bar, Notification shade]
Fix – Problem with wallpaper memory overflow (11-7)

[Home screen]
Optimization – Optimized display for smaller high-resolution icons (11-5)

New – "Collections" and "Classics" added at the bottom of the Featured page (11-7)

Optimization – Gamma curve optimization (11-8)
Optimization – Improved camera focus speed (11-8)
Fix – Optimized maximum digital zoom to 4X (11-8)
Fix – Fixed some issues with ANR in low-light settings (11-8)

Fix – When using the fish-eye lens, duplicate pixels would appear in various areas of the photo (11-5)

New – When user connects headphones, a reminder for the user to configure headphone settings will appear in the Notification shade (11-6) 
Removed – In System Settings > Sound > Call Ringtone & Vibrate, the Music effects option was removed (11-5)

New – Videos can now be searched by actor (11-7)
Fix – Sometimes app would flash quit when user went back to episode view (11-7)

Fix – When importing contacts to SIM card, screen would go dark (11-5)

New – When user connects headphones, a reminder for the user to configure headphone settings will appear in the Notification shade (11-6) 
Removed – In System Settings > Sound > Call Ringtone & Vibrate, the Music effects option was removed (11-5)

Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť

Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť

Prispôsobenie zvuku v slúchadlách po pripojení podľa ich typu

[img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]  [img width=360]Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť[/img]
Naposledy upravil(a) ingbrzy dne 08 Lis 2013, 08:46, celkem upraveno 1 x.

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