#34283  od ingbrzy
 před 11 lety

[Home screen]
Optimization - Other system apps are allowed to delete shortcuts (1-7)
Optimization - Ripple effect after user releases long press on an icon (1-7)
Fix - Sometimes, widgets added to Home screen would not display (1-9) (Mi 3 WDCMA version)
Fix - Sometimes, part of the Favorites dock would be missing after sliding between Home screens with special transition effects (1-9) (Mi 1/1S)

[Phone] (Mi 3 TD version)
Fix - Issues with playing music via WeChat Bluetooth (1-9)

Optimization - Flash for photos (1-8) (Mi 3 TD version)
Optimization - A and H flash white balance (1-8) (Mi 3 WCDMA version)
Optimization - Focus data (1-8) (Mi 3 WCDMA version)

Optimization - Groups added to Contacts main page (1-7)

Fix - Sometimes downloaded files would not display app icons (1-8)

Optimization - SMB guide and icon (1-7)
Optimization - Cloud album upload detection logic (1-7)
Fix - Additional filter SMB services in addition to Mi Wi-Fi (1-7)

Fix - On the main page, touching "Get song info (ID3)" multiple times would cause FC (1-6)

[Security Center]
New - When user is clearing garbage, they can tap garbage files to view, clean, or lock (1-7)
New - Clean up can now detect empty files (1-7)
New - User can set up shortcuts for different actions on the Home screen (1-7)
Optimization - "Power save" control flow (1-7)

New - User can view list of themes that they have already purchased (1-7)
Optimization - Memory use optimization for previewing wallpaper (1-7)
Optimization - Smoother animation for slide action on the comments page (1-7)
Fix - Recommended portion at the bottom of the Featured page would disappear (1-7)
Fix - The corresponding theme frame for the clock on the "My" page and on the Home screen would disappear (1-7)
Fix - Sometimes applying a theme would cause app to FC (1-7)

[System] (Mi 3 WCDMA version)
New - More card readers supported (1-9)
Fix - Screen would shake when brightness was set low (1-8)
Fix - Connection to channel 165 on routers was unstable (1-8)
Fix - When GPS was opened indoors, map would display most recent outdoor location (1-9)
Fix - Some mobile wallets for China Mobile and China Unicom (1-9)
Fix - When playing music, speaker volume would fluctuate unexpectedly (1-9)
Fix - China Mobile wallet app would not open (1-9) (TD version)



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