- T9 vyhladavanie uz aj v CZ SK v aplikacii Telefon (Dialer) :)
(Pre spravnu funkcnost je potrebne obnovit T9 index v nastaveniach Telefon - Nastavenia - Viac nastaveni kontaktu - Obnovit T9 index)
- Ak Vam pada dialer po zadani cisla, nastavte si v Dialer - Nastavení - Telocation - Zobrazování lokaci čísla - Povolit (Telefon - Nastavenia - Poloha volajuceho - Zobrazovat polohu cisla - Povolit) dakujeme @stanley210 za najdenie tohto bugu :)
Changelog je dnes kratsi, kedze v Cine bol 3 dni sviatok Dragon Boat festival....
New - When searching for contacts with more than one number via T9 dialer, “Recent tag” will be shown for recently used numbers
New - When setting voicemail in the contact details, a confirmation dialog box will pop up
Optimization - After entering contact details from the search results page, clicking on back button will still go back to the search results page
Fix - When editing a contact, deleting a contact failed
Fix - When selecting "set ringtone" menu item in the contact details, wrong dialog box pops up
Fix - For contacts born early than the year of 1970, the birthday calendar cannot be displayed
Fix - The input box to "Add" or "Rename" group still appears when exiting and reopening contacts application
Fix - In some cases, typographical errors will appear in third-party invocations
Fix - View Video page bottom toolbar error
Fix- Access control in Privacy Protection is invalid
Optimization - Boost the download success rate when the network is unstable
Optimization - Change the kernel module of Transfer App
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- T9 vyhladavanie uz aj v CZ SK v aplikacii Telefon (Dialer) :)
(Pre spravnu funkcnost je potrebne obnovit T9 index v nastaveniach Telefon - Nastavenia - Viac nastaveni kontaktu - Obnovit T9 index)
- Ak Vam pada dialer po zadani cisla, nastavte si v Dialer - Nastavení - Telocation - Zobrazování lokaci čísla - Povolit (Telefon - Nastavenia - Poloha volajuceho - Zobrazovat polohu cisla - Povolit) dakujeme @stanley210 za najdenie tohto bugu :)
Changelog je dnes kratsi, kedze v Cine bol 3 dni sviatok Dragon Boat festival....
New - When searching for contacts with more than one number via T9 dialer, “Recent tag” will be shown for recently used numbers
New - When setting voicemail in the contact details, a confirmation dialog box will pop up
Optimization - After entering contact details from the search results page, clicking on back button will still go back to the search results page
Fix - When editing a contact, deleting a contact failed
Fix - When selecting "set ringtone" menu item in the contact details, wrong dialog box pops up
Fix - For contacts born early than the year of 1970, the birthday calendar cannot be displayed
Fix - The input box to "Add" or "Rename" group still appears when exiting and reopening contacts application
Fix - In some cases, typographical errors will appear in third-party invocations
Fix - View Video page bottom toolbar error
Fix- Access control in Privacy Protection is invalid
Optimization - Boost the download success rate when the network is unstable
Optimization - Change the kernel module of Transfer App
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Naposledy upravil(a) ingbrzy dne 17 Čer 2013, 05:29, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť Multilang Project leader
MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK Admin, Developer & Translator
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MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK Admin, Developer & Translator
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