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Aktualizácia našej ROM cez FASTBOOT (Dáta NEBUDÚ vymazané!)
- Stiahnite našu ROM TÝŽDENNÁ alebo STABILNÁ
- Rozbaľte stiahnutý zip súbor v PC
- Reštartujte vaše zariadenie do fastboot režimu (podržaním hlasitosti nadol + zapínanie)
- Pripojte telefón k PC cez USB kábel
- Spustite inštaláčný skript z rozbaleného zip podľa vášho operačného systému
---- Pre Windows OS - windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
---- Pre Linux - linux_fastboot_update_rom.sh
---- Pre MacOS - macos_fastboot_update_rom.sh
Ako sa číslujú týždenné verzie:
14.0.ROK . MESIAC . DEN.DEV vydania
Výpis našich zmien oproti Globálnej verzii:
Based on China Stable / Weekly builds
3way reboot menu (in dev settings)
MIUI Contacts and Dialer
Removed ads in MIUI system apps
MIUI Dialer and Messages apps
Steps counter in Assistant screen
More shortcuts on left lockscreen
Wake up gestures for all devices
AI preloading option in MIUI Lab for all devices
Option to auto-expand first notification
Notifications priority settings
More edit options in Gallery app
Enabled MiDrive in File Explorer
Added landscape mode for SMS app
Sunrise/Sunset in the weather app
Google apps support integrated
Removed 5GHz region restrictions
Confirm dials from call logs
Morning report on alarm at morning
More apps supported for AOD notifications
More styles for AOD screen
Raise to wake gesture
AOD notification received animation
Tap fingerprint sensor to wake toggle
More Camera features
Double tap to lock screen
Battery AI scenes
Allowed disabling specific system apps
Importing theme .mtz from zhuti.xiaomi.com via ThemeManager
No useless Chinese bloatware apps
More free RAM due to less background processes
Mi Video, Mi Music, Mi Browser: No any useless Chinese content
No possibility to re-lock bootloader accidentally with flash any xiaomi.eu release
Added real 27 languages translation made by Official MIUI Fansites and MIUI Fans
Added EU T9 dialer support
Added charging sound switch
Optimized GPS settings for EU
Optimized Battery consumption
Optimized RAM consumption
Added GSMalphabet into SMS app options
SafetyNet passed by default (Google Pay)
Play Store Certified
Added automated tasks in Security app
Added game speed booster
Widevine L1 (for supported devices)
And more, and more made by our 10 years MIUI mods experience.
VMach3 se to líbí
Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť Multilang Project leader
MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK Admin, Developer & Translator
Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť
MIUI CZECH & SLOVAK Admin, Developer & Translator
Pre zobrazenie URL sa musíte prihlásiť