#425817  od ingbrzy
 před 5 lety

Lock screen, status bar, notification bar
Optimize - Optimize the loading speed of the wallpaper when switching the mobile phone
Optimize - Optimize the fingerprint unlocking experience: When you unlock your phone by double-clicking the notification message, you can use the fingerprint instead of the password to unlock it.
Fix - Fix the problem that the animation is not smooth after the face is unlocked successfully.
Fix - Fix the information screen setting page, double clock preview image number folding problem
Fix - Fix the status bar battery power refresh time is not timely

Optimize - Optimize Life Morning Post related pages

New - Added normal calculator to add small window function

Optimize - Optimize application fonts without restarting

Optimize - Optimize beauty and filter interaction experience
Optimize - Optimize photo, portrait and short video modes for unified beauty and filter entry
Optimize - Optimize the positional order of short video and slow motion

New - Add screen usage time, go to Settings -> Screen Usage Time Experience
New - Added WIFI probe protection

Other optimizations and adjustments
Fix - Fix the problem that the color and size of the operation buttons are inconsistent during boot
prokji, Dernidlo, lgrill a 2 ostatní se to líbí

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