#46901  od ingbrzy
 před 10 lety

Optimization - When sending a contact's namecard, you can choose "My profile" (3-25)
Fix - When adding an unknown number to contacts, if the number was too long it couldn't be added (3-24)
Fix - When accessing Contracts from the Home screen, there was an issue with the screen transition (3-24)
Fix - Sometimes, the Settings button in the Contacts menu wouldn't respond (3-24)
Fix - Sending a namecard to merged contacts might create duplicate cards (3-24)
Fix - Sometimes contacts would fail to import from SIM card (3-24)
Fix - When exporting contacts, notification display was truncated (3-24)
Fix - When entering the dialpad from other apps, no location was displayed (3-24)
Fix - Issues with importing contacts from SIM card to Mi Account (3-24)
Fix - Contacts imported from USIM couldn't be deleted (3-25)
Fix -When importing contacts via Bluetooth, "Cancel match" might cause FC (3-27)

[File Explorer]
Fix - After file was renamed, a file with the original name would still appear (3-25)

Fix - At text conversation screen, touching notification to enable Cloud Messaging would cause FC (3-25)

New - MIUI music database expanded (3-24)
Fix - When playing in songs shuffle mode, when song was added to the now playing list, it might not play (3-24)

Fix - After 6PM, the temperature high displayed was actually the high for the following day (3-25)
Fix - Sometimes location feature couldn't be disabled (3-25)

[Security Center]
Optimization - When cleaning up, improved animation for objects being added to the exceptions list (3-25)
Optimization - In the cache section under Clean up, secondary options are automatically enabled (3-25)


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